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Thanks for great writing, below is my understanding, pls let me know if I'm wrong 🙏

1. inline / precomputing (dispatch)

- execute directly, no jump

- well know info at compile time

- e.g: simple struct, enum definition

2. static dispatch:

- 1 jump to execute address

- execute memory address is knowable at compile time

3. dynamic dispatch (virtual table / witness table dispatch)

- inheritance / polymorphism (method override, protocol conforms …)

- method execute address is stored in function table

- 2 jumps when execute: (1) jumps to the function table, (2) access `vTable[method_name]` to get the execute access

4. message dispatch

- powered by Objective-C runtime , pure swift don’t have message dispatch

- using `objc_msgSend` to determine the implementation of a given `selector` ,

- complier search through class (NSObject subclass) hierarchy bottom up,

- each class can provide the implementation at runtime using several method level: `resolveInstanceMethod`, `forwardingTargetForSelector` , `forwardInvocation` (similar for class method)

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